TUTORS thank you for showing up and loving the kids every week. We're so grateful for you!
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Learning to Read
Don't forget the JOY: Learning to read can be overwhelming for young struggling students. Key components to learning how to read like comprehension, fluency, site words, and expression will be shared.
Learning to Read Handout
Mystery of Multi-Syllabic Words
As students' reading progresses, word length and complexity increases. Words with many syllables present a roadblock for reluctant readers. Come learn strategies on how to support students in reading these words. Let's solve this decoding mystery by going from sounding out letter by letter to syllable by syllable.
Mystery of Multi-syllabic Words Handout
Understanding Modern Math Strategies
If you've seen Pixar's The Incredibles 2, you may recall a scene in which an exasperated Mr. Incredible, struggling to help his son with his math homework, laments, "Why would they change math?! Math is math!" Math students today are learning tools and strategies that often seem foreign or unnecessarily complex to those of us who learned things a different way. The goal of this session is to familiarize tutors with some of the common mathematical strategies that their students may be learning in school today.
Modern Math Strategies Handout
Using Math Manipulatives
Each of our sites have great math manipulatives to use with your student. They give your student a visual for the math skill they are learning while allowing them to be more hands on. Come and learn how to use our unifix cubes, base 10 blocks, place value chart, 10 frames, and fraction cubes with your student.
Math Manipulatives Handout
Word Work
How to help students crack the code of letters and sounds to read words. Come learn how to help students with short vs long vowels, digraphs, and blends. We'll focus on the "touch and say" strategy which can be used in multiple ways.
Word Work Handout
Math Word Problems
Word problems can be a powerful tool for helping students demonstrate their mathematical understanding, but we all know reading and making sense of them can feel daunting at times. In this session you will learn strategies to help students make sense of word problems as well as create their own word problems. You will also walk away with a bank of problems that you can practice with your students.
Math Word Problems Handout
Active Learning
Word problems can be a powerful tool for helping students demonstrate their mathematical understanding, but we all know reading and making sense of them can feel daunting at times. In this session you will learn strategies to help students make sense of word problems as well as create their own word problems. You will also walk away with a bank of problems that you can practice with your students.
Active Learning Handout
Active Learning Tools Handout
Brain Break Ideas Handout
Seeing Students Through the Lens of Culture
We'll explore how underlying cultural assumptions could be compromising the effectiveness of our work with students. The time will include an activity, discussion, Q&A and specific sharing around issues to consider when working with students from a different culture. The culture of a student's life includes every aspect of their family and story so this is for any tutor working with any student! Come ready to explore the ways you feel you are missing your student but not sure what to do next.
I Am, but I Am Not - Handout
The Power of Showing Up
By Dan Siegel
The Boy Who Was Raised As a Dog
By Bruce Perry
Trauma-Proofing Your Kids
By Levine & Kline
Eli Harwood
Instagram: @Attachment nerd
Becky Kennedy
Stacy York
Mind, heart and body centers Primary emotions: fear, shame and anger